Moving away from titanium dioxide
In line with the European Commision regulation (EU) 2022/63 of 14th January 2022 regarding the food additive titanium dioxide (E171), Desing LTD has done an extensive research and successfully developed alternative solution to remove E171 while upholding the integrity of the products. The most challenging among them – Vanilla and other light-colored bakestable cream solutions.
Consumers health and safety have always been of greatest importance for Desing. Further, to keep sustainable supply of Bavarian creams and meet the above-mentioned regulative requirement, as well as our decades long built customers trust, great effort has been put in R&D activities. In collaboration with our procurement team, we have tested numerous ingredient alternatives for E171. While aiming to retain products quality, appearance, stability, taste, texture, and cost, it was quite a challenge to replace titanium dioxide unique physicochemical properties.
As always, when working as a team with focus and dedication, no problem seems to be impossible to be solved. We can proudly announce that we have launched a new line of titanium dioxide free Bavarian cream solutions.